2008 has arrived and is pregnant with opportunity. Usually, people don't hear me talk much about serious stuff like my goals. I'm mostly the comic relief. But today I begin the revealing of the things that I want and my journey to achieve them.
Goal #1
Anyone who knows me well enough knows that my biggest dream is to become a star. I've wanted to be an actress since I was 4 years old. My favorite tv show was The Cosby Show. The character who I wanted to be was Rudy (since she was the one closest to my age). I would learn the dialogue and recite them as if I were on the show, as Rudy. Once I got into high school, I joined the Drama Club. We put on 2 plays and annual talent shows. When I graduated, I wanted to make Theatre my major in college. However, the audition crept up on me and I didn't deliver a performance stellar enough to grant me admission into the program. This left me with a decision to make. I could either wait another year and audition again or choose a new major. I didn't want to wait another year and prolong my graduation, so I declared my major as Early Childhood Education. From that moment on, I allowed teaching to take the forefront in my professional life. Upon graduation in 2004, I became an elementary school teacher. My passion for acting never left but my active pursuit did. School consumed hours, days, weeks, months and years of my life. How could I want acting but not do anything to attain it?
In the past 2 years I have performed in 2 major theatrical productions. In 2006, I performed in Spike Lee's School Daze with People's Theatre, Inc. In 2007, I took the stage, in my first lead role, as Sis. Simone Ward in You Better Be Glad I'm Saved with Slaughter House Productions. The latter was a great success and we are planning to take the play on the road, pending a willing investor. Our producer has written a new play, to stem from a storyline in the current play. My character is to play a lead role in that production, as well, and that really excites me!
The truth of the matter is: I can't let it stop here. I need to continue to search out opportunities to reach the star status that I seek. Two things that I have confessed as unfulfilled goals are taking professional pictures and finding an agent. Agents and casting directors want pictures and pictures cost money. Saving money has always been a challenge for me and was the perfect scapegoat to why I have only had 1 photo shoot for my acting portfolio. Once I took those pictures I never even got them developed. Yea, I know. What's that about? Now whats the excuse? Getting headshots printed and making composite cards cost money as well. Money I never seem to have in bulk, after handling my monthly expenses. My problem and barrier had become me. The truth is that if I budgeted better, I could have the money I needed. I eat out a lot instead of cooking. Even if its something as simple as Pollo Tropical 3-4 days a week. Once that adds up over time, I am wasting a lot of money. However, budgeting will be discussed in a seperate blog.Over the past 2 days, I have made some steps in my acting journey. I went back to websites that post auditions and looked through current notices. I applied for about 3 of them. As I browsed, I noticed many that asked for mailings of headshots and resumes. I felt bummed because I didn't have hard copied to send. So, today, I ordered 100 copies of a headshot photo that I can print my resume on the back of! It isn't one of the ones I took in my shoot, though. Those photos are a little old and they aren't the best because the photographer didn't really help me to create various poses. I submitted a photo that I took myself, but it is beautiful and its as good a headshot as any photographer could have taken.
I also went onto IMDB.com and Star Search Casting.com and created my own page! Even though these 3 things costed me some money, I decided that I needed to invest in myself to make myself some profit. When my headshots come in the mail, I am going to send them to local talent agencies in Orlando. Hopefully some of them will call me and I can finally have an agent. I will be taking more pictures and going to more auditions.
I can't be a major professional actress if I don't make big moves.
This year, my motto is "Be the star you are!"
You are definitely on the right track. Even though a step may seem small, like checking out particular Web sites, it's a step nonetheless. Once you put all those little steps together, before you know it, you've walked a mile!
Continue to practice your craft too. We all know you are a natural fool, but there's always more to learn! Buy some books, videos on technique. Pay attention to great scenes in movies and television shows, and analyze what the actors did to make it a great scene. Pay attention to yourself and people around you, people in line at the grocery store. How do people look when they're waiting? When they're excited? When they're worried? The best actors are usually excellent observers. Use every opportunity to hone your craft!
I agree with Delect.
You gotta make the sacrifice if you want to reach your dream and goals.
In regards to money.....BUDGET!!! It's not that hard. There are many websites that offer easy to follow, simple budget templates. Or just make one yourself. Either way....look at your money on paper and see what it is saying to you. Look into alternatives to some of the things you pay for (i.e home phone, cable, cell phone). There are cheaper alternatives. You should need to take the time out to look into them. I am available if you need help in this area. :-D
Other than that, DO IT GIRL!!! Get you grown woman ish and do what you gotta do.
Thank you girls! Yes Dimples, I may be calling on you to handle this budget thing. I'm weak! I'm quick to not feel like cooking and settle for fast food or just go and buy something I don't have no business buying.
I will definitely be putting more effort into this dream than I have in the past. Love ya!
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